Jun 28, 2022
This week we return to a leadership and management topic.
One challenge that must be faced when pursuing a nonclinical job, especially if it is a leadership or executive position, is demonstrating that you have the skills needed to be successful in that role.
So, we start with that end in mind.
Where do we get those skills, if they aren’t picked up in medical school or residency?
Several places
• Pre-medical school experiences
• Post-residency experiences
• By developing them doing clinical work – so-called transferable
What are the 5 areas that I’m talking about today?
1. Financial Management Skills
2. Data Management Skills
3. Business Management Skills
4. Leadership Skills
5. Talent Management Skills
Volunteering on a nonprofit board can provide many of those experiences.
In Part 1 of this 2-part series, we begin by describing the 5 major domains of management skills that physicians often lack, with examples of each one.
Next week in Part 2, we will learn how to gain experience and learn those skills doing nonprofit board and committee work.
You will find links and a transcript of the episode at nonclinicalphysicians.com/nonprofit-board-membership
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