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Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica

Jul 18, 2023

In this week’s episode, John revisits a discussion of the 5 persistent myths that clinicians believe when they begin to consider a career transition.

Physicians have been convinced by their employers and training programs that it is very difficult to leave assembly-line, corporate-style medicine for a nonclinical career because:

  1. there are no jobs;
  2. they’re not qualified;
  3. the salaries are too low;
  4. they will be abandoning patients; and,
  5. their reputations will be ruined.

As a result, we continue to suppress our feelings and delay implementing the solution to these problems.

In this show, John describes why these myths are wrong to enable listeners to fully embrace their pursuit of a fulfilling new nonclinical career.

You will find all of the links mentioned in the episode at


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