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Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica

Mar 16, 2021

In this week’s episode of the PNC Podcast, John Lee Dumas, of Entrepreneurs on Fire, helps us learn what it takes to create uncommon success when creating an online business. I was so pumped to be able to interview JLD. The opportunity came because he is promoting his new book, to be released one week after this episode is released.

JLD is the founder and host of the award-winning podcast, Entrepreneurs on Fire. With over 1 million monthly listens and 7-figures of annual revenue, JLD is spreading Entrepreneurial FIRE on a global scale. His first traditionally published book, The Common Path to Uncommon Success is available for pre-order now at

JLD is an icon in podcasting. He created his online empire starting with his daily podcast, now with over 3,000 episodes. And anyone producing a podcast, or any online platform from blog to YouTube channel, will do well to emulate what he has done and what he shares each day on his show.

In his new book, he brings it all together for us to read, study and implement. I’m very pleased to have JLD on the PNC Podcast to share his expertise and tell us about his book, which is being released on March 23.

During our interview, he tosses out several "value-bombs." They include:

  • the definition of the "big idea,"
  • why you must "niche down,"
  • the importance of developing a production plan, and,
  • why you must focus on keeping some of your profits or they will simply slip away.

I recommend you pre-order a copy now because there are many awesome bonuses that disappear after the 23rd of March. They include a copy of the Podcast Journal, Mastery Journal, and Freedom Journal, each a bestseller themselves, and video interviews with the entrepreneurs who contributed to some of the chapters in the book.

I've already received my bonuses and started to use them.

(By the way, I am not an affiliate for the book so I do NOT have any financial incentive to promote it. I just believe it will become a classic AND with the bonuses, it’s a no-brainer.)

As always, you’ll find all of the links for today’s show in the show notes at

Get an updated edition of the FREE GUIDE to 10 Nonclinical Careers at

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