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Physician NonClinical Careers with John Jurica

May 5, 2020

On this week’s episode of the PNC podcast, John explains how affiliate marketing can be a fantastic source of additional income for those in certain nonclinical careers.

Affiliate marketing is a program in which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for sales generated from their referrals. There are two common ways to participate in an affiliate program:

  • create an affiliate program for your products and services so other influencers can promote and sell them, and
  • become an affiliate marketer for an existing product or service. 

Here are the four big reasons to become an expert in affiliate marketing:

  1. It may save your business, because it is a quick way to generate income early on.
  2. It’s easy, because the technology is so user-friendly.
  3. It’s efficient and cheap (compared to other ways to market your products).
  4. It’s low-risk.

On the episode, John also offers four bonus reasons why affiliate marketing is especially useful to entrepreneurs. And he explains the two scenarios where affiliate marketing may not be the right way to go.

John finds affiliate marketing as a content creator, and as an affiliate for others, to be fascinating. He intends to learn more about it, and return with more on this topic for you in the future.

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